‘Invasive mosquitoes are here!’
Columbia Drainage Vector control has recently discovered an invasive mosquito species in our district.
This species is called Aedes japonicus and is a container breeding mosquito (Tires, buckets, & other misc. artificial containers that hold water). We are asking everyone in the Columbia District to check your property for any type of container source that is capable of holding water and to please either empty them or treat them properly for mosquitoes. Such containers would include not only large ponds, but also includes smaller water retainers like soda cans.
This mosquito is a very aggressive day-biting mosquito and is capable of transmitting diseases such as: West Nile virus, Dengue fever, Japanese encephalitis, Eastern equine encephalitis, Chikungunya, Rift Valley fever, and La Crosse virus.
Tires are particularly inviting to this species (and other Aedes mosquitoes) as it holds water at almost any angle and the dark color of the tire absorbs and retains heat very well in the colder beginnings of spring and through summer.
We are offering to collect up to ten tires per household as a way of source reduction of breeding sites. To do this, you will need:
- Government photo I.D.
- Show proof of residence within our district (PUD stub, etc.).You may call us for tire pickup or deliver said tires to our shop location in St. Helens.
Links on Aedes japonicus mosquitoes:
- European Center for Disease Control – Vectors: Ae. japonicus
*** Fun Facts about Aedes japonicus:
* It’s origin is the main island (Honshu) of Japan. Today, this species is found in Belgium, France, China, South Korea, Panama, Russia, Taiwan, and the contiguous lower 48 United States.
* Discovered in 1901 by English entomologist – Fredrick Theobald.